Villa Allamanda
Telephone Contacts: (242) 332-3934
WhatsApp: (242) 359-7766
(877) 516-6639 (Toll Free within USA & Canada)
Location: Situated in Cigatoo Estates, Governor's Harbour
Driving Instructions from Governor's Harbour Airport:

Travel south on Queen's Highway for approximately 8 minutes (at average speed of 45 mph). You will see the Villa Allamanda sign on the right side just opposite Casuarina Avenue (on the left) leading to our property. Make that left turn on to Casuarina Avenue and travel along the unpaved road up to the top of the hill; make a left turn at Jacaranda Drive, the third street atop the hill. You will see our VA sign and logo at the turn off with street light right at the turn; Villa Allamanda is the second property on the left. |